Thursday, June 08, 2006

"concerning rabbits and turtles"

I was saddened recently to find out many of my Christian friends I grew up with that have since turned away from our Lord. Most of them are under the impression that living how the Lord instructs us to live is keeping them from true satisfaction. So I'm writing this new song and I want it to be about how people want to live life in the proverbial "fastlane" and think that anything other than what they want to do, will slow them down. When pondering all this I was reminded of the story about the "tortoise and the Hare". Then I had this really cool thought.

Looking at the two characters the rabbit seems to at first to be the free spirit. With nothing tying him down the rabbit can go anywhere he wants. The rabbit can jump over things out run other animals that might harm him. The rabbit really seems to be over qualified to win the race. Now looking at the turtle we see him bogged down by this huge shell. The turtle is not as fast as the rabbit...he can't jump over things he has to take the long way around them. We all may think sometimes that the moral principals that the Lord gives us hinder or keep us down, much like the shell of the turtle. But in reality the commands that the Lord gives us weren't meant to keep us down, but to protect us from the horrible consequences that come as a result of our sin. So really the Lord's commands, in a sense, set us free from sin when we follow them. So comparing Christians to the turtle the turtle is actually, though it doesn't seem at first glance, the real free spirit and in the best position to win the race.

And as for the tree that the rabbit falls asleep under...Well....lets just call that tree "The Tree of Apathy"

thoughts on "concerning rabbits and turtles"

Sunday, June 04, 2006

You know what?

So I had this cool thought once. It wasn't one of those "oh...that's neat" or "Ha Ha funny to you stare into space...wait is anyone watching...quick...act normal" kinda thoughts. This was one of those "Revolutionary 3 o'clock in the morning half asleep...deep life changing...till morning after much needed sleep" kinda thoughts.

Isn't it strange that time has a know...seconds, minutes, hours and such, and how we always battle to be on time and make good use of our time. So us, being the finite beings that we are,...are trapped by time. Till we slip into eternity where time no longer exists that is. But isn't it odd that the machine that keeps us here on this side of eternity is also set to time, that being our heart, with its pulse. So if we then are subject to time in a sense, due to our own physiological makup, then to who/what is time subject to? Cause I mean really! I can't see time as being the supreme intity of the entire universe. Because time isn't really anything, it is just the number of fingers that we hold up after a lap around this eliptical thingy we have come to call earth's orbit. So time, being a physical attribute dealing with planets and rates of speed and what not, actually had a beginning. That means that at one point in time there was no time. I guess that's why the part when Jesus said "I am the beginning and the end" just makes so much sense to me now.

I think that it's cool that God refers to himself as "I am" verb. to be. It's really very fitting.
I guess it's His way of skipping to the point and avoiding a lot of confusion. You know, like when we were kids and gave the merciless barrage of WHY? questions to our parents until they got fed up and said "because I said so now stop asking why!" It's just God's way of making good use of our time.